Ramadan Ration Program (RRP)

Since its inception in 2011, the Ramadan Ration Program (RRP), initiated by The Quran Foundation, has been a beacon of hope for countless individuals. Every year, we embrace the holy month of Ramadan with the same fervour, reaching out to those who are less fortunate.

Our Purpose

The RRP's noble purpose is to provide a lifeline to people who are poor and needy. We offer essential grocery and ration items that can sustain a family for a month, ensuring that they can fulfil their religious obligation of fasting with ease.

The Heart of RRP: Our Volunteers

Our dedicated volunteers are the heartbeat of this initiative. They conduct meticulous background checks to ensure that the ration reaches the deserving families. Then, with unwavering commitment, they personally deliver these vital packages to the doorsteps of the needy.

Who Do We Serve?

The beneficiaries of RRP include daily wage earners, orphans, widows, and those whose income is just slightly above the daily wage earners. We extend our reach to those who need it most.

Our Impact Over the Years:

Comprehensive Care for Orphan Children

We extend our support to orphaned children by offering comprehensive care that encompasses their physical, emotional, and educational well-being. Our commitment is to create a nurturing environment where orphaned children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Assistance for Marriages of Poor and Orphan Girls, and Re-Marriage of Widows

We believe in fostering inclusivity and providing emotional and financial support for significant life events. Our foundation assists in the marriages of underprivileged and orphaned girls, as well as facilitates the remarriage of widows, promoting social harmony and support.

Natural Disaster Relief Support

In times of natural disasters, our foundation swiftly mobilizes to provide relief support to affected communities. We offer immediate assistance, including food, shelter, and essential supplies, to those facing the aftermath of natural calamities.

Seasonal Support to the Homeless

Recognizing the challenges faced by the homeless during various seasons, we initiate support programs such as blanket distribution. By addressing immediate needs, we aim to bring comfort and warmth to those without shelter during harsh weather conditions.

These welfare activities are driven by our vision of creating a compassionate and supportive society. We invite you to join us in making a positive impact on the lives of those facing adversity through your participation, donations, and advocacy. Together, we can contribute to building a more caring and inclusive community.